Release Notes

Public Sep 27 2019


All platforms - Plastic: We have removed an unnecessary warning message that was confusing a lot of users. It appeared if you clicked "Update Workspace" when you were already on the head changeset, and you had local changes.

In this situation we used to show a message telling you that you have local changes that you might want to undo, and it looked like we were reporting an error, when of course there was no problem. We will introduce a better way to let you know that you're already on the head changeset in a future release.


Windows - Plastic: New Code Review system: Display a visual guide when creating a new comment.

Now, when you're creating a new comment, we highlight the line under the mouse when you're moving it. This guide helps to figure out the line number you're adding the new comment:


Windows - Plastic: to help users discovering how the new Code Review system works, we added some help to the review comments panel that explains what happens and how to proceed.

* If the code review is empty, it will indicate to the user how to create a new comment.

* If the selected file has comments but no comment is selected, it will indicate how to view those comments.

Remember that for now you need to launch the application with "plastic --codereview" from a terminal in order to access the new feature.


macOS, Linux - Command line client: As you might know if you are a power user, you can use redirections with the "cm" command line client in order to get things done. For example, if we want to add all of the *.txt files in a given directory, we can do so as follows:

$ cm ls *.txt | cm add -

However, this was not working good with the Checkin command because of the dynamic checkin progress. Now that's fixed! The following command should work as expected under macOS and Linux:

$ cm ls *.txt | cm ci --private -


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: back in release we made the differences launched from the Item's History panel editable if the right revision was the one loaded in the workspace.

But this had an undesired side effect! If the revision loaded in your workspace had local changes, you would see these local changes in the differences... which is weird, because if you are looking into the history, you probably expect the content at the selected changeset, not the one in your workspace. So we reverted that change.

Launching a diff from the Item History panel will always show you the content at the given changeset - never from the workspace. And the diff won't be editable, even if you are diffing the revision currently loaded and unchanged in your workspace.

Remember that if you want to diff your current workspace content, you can do so from the workspace explorer - right click on an item, then "Diff with previous revision". Pending Changes also works, of course :)


DevOps: Jenkins CI Plug: We detected that in some Jenkins servers the anti-forgery crumb expires fast, preventing Jenkins plug to queue builds in Jenkins server. Fixed. Now the crumb is updated before performing any HTTP request to Jenkins server, if required.


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon, Command line client: When undoing changes with dependencies, if an error occurred whilst working through the chain of undo dependencies, we would sometimes leave some files in a temporary state. We now attempt to clean things up and put you back into a consistent state as you were before the undo operation.

Specifically, when undoing a file that was moved from "oldName" to "newName" and that undo depends on another undo which fails, we used to leave the file "newName" in a temporary location. We now move it back to where it belongs.