Release Notes

Public Jun 10 2019


Text differences in all GUIs: We have tweaked a little bit difference navigation. Previously, if you restored or deleted the current selected difference, the new current one was the next difference, but the diff didn't jump to it. This way, if you clicked on "next", the diff jumped to the next difference of the new one, making you feel you skipped one. Is a little bit complicated to explain, but we hope that differences navigation feels more natural now that these skips are prevented.


All platforms - Gluon: The refresh of the 'Explore workspace' view is now instant even with big repositories.

Using a repository of almost 700.000 items the refresh time is:

* Before: 9200 ms

* After: 150 ms

What we do is just to skip some checks for the 'owl help' when there are big repositories involved.


Windows installers: We modified the installer to be downloaded when clicking in the "Download" button when "A new version available" message is notified:

Before this version, the "Client only" installer was downloaded.

From now on, the "Client + Server" installer will be downloaded, and the components you selected to be installed before upgrading to the new version will be enabled by default when running the "Client + Server" installer.


Windows installers: If you initially installed Plastic using the "Client + Server" installer, and then you upgrade to a new version using the "Client only" installer, a warning message will be shown telling that the server component will be removed (although databases, logs and config will be kept). Before this version, the installer didn't want about this fact.


macOS - Plastic, Gluon: Calculating the pending changes in the GUI is remarkably faster now!

The Pending Changes view is now capable of detecting changes by monitoring the filesystem using the OS events API (FSEvents) instead of simply walking the workspace directory structure.

This way the client only walks down the workspace directory tree the first time (on GUI this means the first time the user refreshes the Pending Changes view). After that, only directories with changes under them will be checked.

Just to share some numbers: calculating the pending changes in a workspace with 600k files went down from 180s to 5.75s.

This is a first step to implement the auto-refresh you all need in macOS. :-)


All platforms - Plastic: Until now, you could try to annotate binary files - it wasn't working well, was it? The annotate is meant for text files! Now, we detect if the file can be annotated, and if not, we display an alert. Worry not! In the (unlikely) scenario of we detecting as a binary what is really a text file, we tell you in that very same alert how to force the type on an item.


macOS - Plastic, Gluon: Fixed several issues related to the pending changes view/checkin view:

* The UI hung when displaying some files, especially those that had very long lines or were big. Now it's fixed.

* The syntax highlight was slow with long lines. Now we skip coloring long lines.

* The UI thread was locked displaying big files (>~2MB). Improved the performance by a 50%.

* When displaying added or private files, the width of the line numbers view was not correctly calculated. Now it's fixed.

* The progress spinner and text saying "Calculating diffs..." was overlapped. Now it's fixed.