Release Notes

Public May 31 2019


DevOps: MergeBot engine: Now the merge the mergebot API uses won't ignore whitespaces when resolving conflicts automatically.

More info about DevOps Mergebots can be found here


Command line client: you can now use all the wonderful functionality of the new "undo" command on your Gluon workspaces, by calling "cm partial undo".


Plastic GUI: improved the checkin progress to show the correct size units when the uploading operation is finished.


macOS - Plastic Performance: Improved the "add directory tree to source control" operation from the workspace explorer view. When adding a directory with a large number of items, the gui got stuck for several seconds before showing any progress. For a workspace with 220k items, nearly 40s without a response :( Now it's much better!


Cloud Edition: The data transfer is now 3 times faster when uploading or downloading tons of small files to Plastic Cloud.

Let us give you a real example: we used the 'gcc' repo ( 96423 files - 517 MB.

And then we ran a checkin to Cloud from Windows using a standard connection (100Mbps download - 60Mbps upload):

* Before: Upload time - 478 s (total checkin time - 564 s)

* Now: Upload time - 143 s (total checkin time - 223 s)

We modified how the number of upload/download threads are configured. Now we select a number dynamically depending on the number of files to upload/download.


macOS - Plastic Performance: Improved pending changes view performance when there are a large number of items. Loading, sorting and filtering times have been improved significantly.

For a workspace with 220k items, the pending changes refresh time has improved from 58447 ms to 3469 ms. Nearly 17 times faster!!


macOS - Plastic, Gluon: Items search box: The search box lost the focus when the user stopped writing (e.g. to let the results list be updated). Now it's fixed.

We also improved the key navigation in the file search of the Workspace Explorer view. Now you can navigate the search results using the following keys: Up, Down, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn).


Plastic SCM Server, Linux/macOS: The Plastic SCM Cloud Edition local server threw an exception in the shutdown process on Linux or macOS. This prevented some of the shutdown routines from running, and that in turn could prevent some resources from being freed. It's now fixed.


Windows - Plastic: When the diff window had unsaved changes and it was closed, it failed with a "File not found" exception. Now it's fixed.


Windows - Plastic: The diff window did not update the diffs when editing the right content. Now it's fixed.


Windows GUI: the progress bar for the checkin operation was not completely filled. Fixed.


GTK Plastic: the help panel in the Merge View prompted an error message when you clicked the "OK" button to close it, making it impossible to dismiss. Fixed.


Linux - Plastic, Gluon: When focusing main window, the pending changes view was auto-refreshed while a checkin operation was performed. Now, it's fixed.


Windows - Gluon: When pressing 'End' key in the pending changes view, the files tree scrolled more than allowed, leaving half of the control blank. Now it's fixed.


macOS - Plastic: after some time stalking the NSInternalInconsistencyException that our customers kept getting in the mac client when trying to open a diff window, we finally caught it and fixed it. Sorry for the inconvenience.