Release Notes

Public May 24 2019


Using Cloud Edition? Upgrade!

You need to upgrade to this release to unlock the new "Activity reports".

You will receive an email like this every week:

With a link to browse the full report online:

And the report will also be accessible from your Cloud dashboard:


Command line interface: we improved the error message you get when you pass a shelveset specification to command, like setowner or showacl, that doesn't accept shelveset specs.


Command line client: the error message when trying to run acl operations on workspaces wasn't very nice. We made it more user friendly.


Command line client: we corrected some faulty indentation in the help text of the "showfindobjects" command.


WebAdmin: We improved the form layout of the "New/Edit mergebot" page to make a better use of space.


Command line client: we improved the phrasing of the help for commands that take piped input.


Windows - Mergetool: After changing the color configuration in mergetool, selecting/unselecting a manual conflict contributor caused the application to crash. Now it's fixed.


JIRA extension: when using JIRA Cloud, now you can't login with a password, as that authentication method is deprecated. You need to use your email address and a personal token generated here . This caused the assignee field of the tasks query to be your email instead of your name, returning zero tasks. That is fixed now. If you have to login using the email, the extension will solve your name before querying for tasks.