Release Notes

Public May 07 2019


GitSync. Applies both to the command line (all platforms) and Windows GUI.

Suppose you have a repo "quake" synced to

And now you try to sync with a different GitHub repo:

Plastic will complain saying there are mappings for the old repo. We added info of where the mappings are stored, so that advanced users can go and delete the mappings or move them to be used later.

> cm sync quake@localhost:6060 git --user=psantosl --pwd=my-personal-token

Error: The settings you've introduced don't match with the stored ones for branch/repo quake. Stored are: Mappings are stored here: C:\Users\pablo\AppData\Local\plastic4\sync\git\fbcb3273-0371-4821-92ac-01e380200c5a.

We expect to remove this restriction in the future, so you can gitsync a repo to as many destinations as you want, but right now this is the behavior we support.


Command line client: we have improved the formatting of the ls command output so that the columns are nicely aligned even when you have a mixture of long and short branch names.


c:\mcga>cm ls -r
         0 30/04/2019 11:15 dir    br:/main#CO  CO    .
         0 30/04/2019 11:18 dir    br:/branchWithVeryLongName#1       A
         6 30/04/2019 11:21 txt    br:/bugfix#2       bug.cpp
         7 30/04/2019 11:19 txt    Private            file.cs
         4 30/04/2019 11:18 txt    br:/branchWithVeryLongName#1       a.txt
         0 30/04/2019 11:18 dir    br:/branchWithVeryLongName#1       AA


c:\mcga>cm ls -r
         0 30/04/2019 11:15 dir    br:/main#CO                  CO    .
         0 30/04/2019 11:18 dir    br:/branchWithVeryLongName#1       A
         6 30/04/2019 11:21 txt    br:/bugfix#2                       bug.cpp
         7 30/04/2019 11:19 txt    Private                            file.cs
         4 30/04/2019 11:18 txt    br:/branchWithVeryLongName#1       a.txt
         0 30/04/2019 11:18 dir    br:/branchWithVeryLongName#1       AA


Plastic SCM GUI and Command Line Client: improved progress messages for one of the stages of the merge. When performing a merge with many added files on source, processing the copied files and directories can take a while (depending on the number of files and the performance of your computer), giving the impression that the tool hanged. Now, Plastic gives more granular progress messages, so you know what's going on under the hood.


Refactor part of the "find changes" code. Yes, no new features, just code clean up. But, since if you are reading this you are probably a developer, we're sure you appreciate we spend time in refactors too ;-)


Mantis integration: we had a couple of bugs in the plastic.php file we distribute alongside the Plastic SCM client to integrate it with the Mantis issue tracker. Now it is fixed.

If your Mantis integration works OK, you don't need to do anything unless you update your server's PHP version to 7 or greater. In that case, you will have to replace the plastic.php file in your Mantis install directory with the new one.

For further info regarding Plastic SCM and Mantis extension configuration, please visit the following documentation page


Windows - Visual Studio Package: Visual Studio 2019 crashed when displaying some Plastic SCM views. Now it's fixed.


Linux and macOS: Uploading data to the cloud (through a checkin or push operation) with network issues make the operation fail due to the "Cannot access a disposed object" error. Now, the error is handled and the upload retried like it is done with the rest of network issues.