Release Notes

Public Mar 26 2019


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: Improved the window default size (make it bigger). Also, adjust the window size to the screen size if it doesn't fit.


All platforms - Gluon: Added the "undo changes" option in the context menu. Now you can select several files in the checkin view, right click and select "undo changes" for the selected (highlighted) items, regardless of the files are checked or not.


Command Line Client: the '--parents' option of the 'cm add' command has been deprecated. Now, it is the default behavior.

For example, let's say that you have the following (private) directory structure, and you want to add 'file.txt' to source control:

 |- 01plastic
 |   - client
 |       |- file.txt
 |       - code.cs
 - 02thirdparty

Now, you can do so by executing:

$ cm add src/01plastic/client/file.txt

…which we hope feels more natural :-)


Command line client: We have introduced a new "workspace" command (short form, "wk"), for all workspace related activity.

Here are some usage examples (using the short form):

cm wk

Lists workspaces

cm wk MyNewWorkspace workspacePath

Create a workspace

cm wk rename NewWorkspace

Rename the current workspace

cm wk mv newWorkspacePath

Move the current workspace

cm wk rm NewWorkspace

Delete a workspace

As always, you can check out the inline help (cm workspace --help) for full details and more examples.

Note: the existing workspace commands ("mkwk", "lwk", "rmwk" and "renameworkspace") are deprecated but will still work.


Command line client: We have introduced a new trigger command for managing triggers. It has the following subcommands: create, delete, edit, list and showtypes.


    cm trigger | tr command [options]


    create | mk
    delete | rm
    list   | ls

cm tr mk before-mklabel new "/path/to/script" --server=myserver:8084
cm tr edit before-mklabel 7 --position=4 --server=myserver:8084
cm tr ls before-mkbranch --server=myserver:8084
cm tr rm after-setselector 4
cm tr showtypes

Note: the old trigger commands are deprecated but are still available in the tool for backwards compatibility.


Windows installer: A wizard step allows selecting which application should be started after the installation finishes. This application could be either Plastic SCM (classic GUI for developers) or Gluon (for documentation and game-dev artists). We improved the description of these apps to help choosing the desired app wisely. Note that both applications will be installed and available for you, regardless of this initial selection!


CLI: The 'unco --all' was failing with the error "Selector can't locate a revision for the item <path>" under certain circumstances when there was a locally moved directory with local changes inside include other moved from the directory to outside or from outside into the directory. In order to fix it, we have improved the directory moved detection. See an example:

Starting with the following controlled, and up-to-date, content:


We perform the following local changes:

* Create directory /Assets/Editor/MainMenu/Testing

* Move /Assets/Scripts/MainMenu/Testing/Editor to /Assets/Editor/MainMenu/Testing/Editor

* Move /Assets/Scripts to /Assets/Runtime

Now the detected local changes are:

 cm status
 /main@default@localhost:8084 (cs:1 - head)

    Status           Size    Similarity    Path

    Moved locally            100%          Assets/Runtime/MainMenu/Testing/Editor -> Assets/Editor/MainMenu/Testing/Editor
    Moved locally            91%           Assets/Scripts -> Assets/Runtime

    Status     Size    Last Modified    Path

    Private            5 seconds ago    Assets/Editor
    Private            5 seconds ago    Assets/Editor/MainMenu
    Private            5 seconds ago    Assets/Editor/MainMenu/Testing

But before they were:

 cm status
 /main@default@localhost:8084 (cs:1 - head)

    Status             Size    Path

    Removed locally            Assets/Runtime/MainMenu
    Status           Size       Similarity    Path

    Moved locally               100%          Assets/Scripts/MainMenu/Testing/Editor -> Assets/Editor/MainMenu/Testing/Editor
    Moved locally               91%           Assets/Scripts -> Assets/Runtime
    Moved locally    4 bytes    100%          Assets/Scripts/MainMenu/m.txt -> Assets/Runtime/MainMenu/m.txt
    Moved locally    4 bytes    100%          Assets/Scripts/MainMenu/Testing/t.txt -> Assets/Runtime/MainMenu/Testing/t.txt

    Status     Size    Last Modified    Path

    Private            7 seconds ago    Assets/Editor
    Private            7 seconds ago    Assets/Editor/MainMenu
    Private            7 seconds ago    Assets/Editor/MainMenu/Testing
    Private            9 seconds ago    Assets/Runtime/MainMenu
    Private            7 seconds ago    Assets/Runtime/MainMenu/Testing