Release Notes

Public Jan 18 2019


Linux and macOS: We changed the workflow of opening workspaces. Now, the switcher window and any opened workspace window will be close when you select a new workspace in the workspaces view and execute the "Open" context action. To keep more than one workspace window opened at the same time, select the "Open in a new window" context action.


Gluon now includes a dialog to setup the preferences:

* Windows GUI: Added a "preferences" button in the bottom right corner.

* Linux GUI: Added a "preferences" button in the left side bar.

* macOS GUI: Added a "preferences" menu option in the main application menu. Gluon -> preferences.


Visual Studio Package: Visual Studio integration is now compatible with Visual Studio 2019 Preview.


CLI: The 'clconfigureclient' tool caused some configuration values, present in the client.conf file and not collected by the clconfigureclient tool, to be lost after each execution. Now it's fixed.


Linux and macOS: The image preview and image diff features displayed error messages if the image files were corrupted or contained invalid image data. They'll now handle these errors properly and report you that the image format is not supported.


All GUIs and CLI: Fixed the size check for the objects name like branch or label names according to the database field length: 100 characters.


All GUIs: They failed to diff a changeset that received a merge from a branch without permissions. The same happened running a merge that involved that changeset (or some of its files in the case of Gluon). The error thrown was "You don't have permissions for operation read". Fixed.