Release Notes

Public Dec 12 2018


Command line tool: We have made it really simple to checkin private files. Just specify --private when running a checkin, and any private files detected will also be included.


Linux GUI: We added a Filter text box in the History views. It'll allow you to filter revisions in the History list.


Linux GUI: We added a Search text box in the Browse Repository view. It'll enable you to find items in the repository tree located in that view!


Gtk and macOS clients (Gluon and Plastic): Display image diffs in the Pending Changes view and the Diff window.

Now, when you select any image in the Pending Changes view or the Diff window, the diff viewer displays differences for the selected image.


The tree of changeset 0 (which only contains the root) will be always visible from now on, even if the user doesn't have permissions to see the root path.

The rationale for this is to allow users with read permission only on a given path in a repository (e.g. path '/doc' in repository 'game') to create a new workspace pointing to said repository.

This was previously forbidden because the contents of cset 0 weren't visible to the user. So, the workspace creation failed with the error "The workspace cannot be initialized with the given selector. Probably you don't have enough permission to load the initial changeset of the repository of the selector.".


macOS: The Undo and Redo actions are now enabled in input text fields, such as the checkin comment or the Diff control!


Windows: the comment text in the Pending changes view was incorrectly deleted when the checkin operation displayed the "merge required" dialog. Fixed.