Release Notes

Public Nov 30 2018


Command line: cm rm --no-disk is now optional. It means it is now easier to "apply a delete" in the metadata of your workspace.

It is better explained with an example.

* You have /src/foo.c

* You delete it from disk: simply rm /src/foo.c, you don't do it with a Plastic command, just with the operating system.

* If now you want to "apply" the deletion to the workspace, you'd have to do cm rm /src/foo.c --no-disk

* But now, it will be easier: cm rm /src/foo.c and it will be clever enough to mark it as deleted since it is no longer on disk.


We added detailed logging and additional integrity checks to the Jet backend to ensure its stability and improve traceability.


macOS (Plastic and Gluon): Improved syntax highlight & diff region colors when using macOS Mojave with the dark theme (only macOS 10.14+).

When changing the macOS theme, the syntax colors and the diff region colors are adapted "on the fly" to improve contrast between the diff color and the text on the dark theme. Note that syntax colors were already adapted but required an App restart to be applied.


macOS: We changed the icons of PlasticSCM, Gluon and Mergetool so that their colors change according to the current UI theme (Dark/Light).


macOS: Improved the look and feel for the dark theme in macOS Mojave 10.14:

* Diff and merge navigation toolbar buttons have been redesigned.

* Explorer dialogs (branch, repository, changeset, server) has an improved look and feel.

* Fixed dark theme checkbox icons in gluon configuration view.

* Fixed some minor dark theme issues (background and foreground colors).


Gluon for macOS & linux: Creating a new workspace does not require an "update" or "configure" operation to convert the workspace to "gluon" mode anymore.


Command line client: Now "cm mv" seamlessly (and silently) applies local moves to metadata.

Easier to see with an example:

foo.c is a controlled file

mv foo.c src/bar.c

cm mv foo.c src/bar.c

And the move is applied!


Windows GUI: New context-based help system: Disable "ding" sound when a new hint shows up.


Command line: cm rm now works for locally deleted directories.

Previously, attempting cm rm on a directory that is not in the workspace would fail. Now, it correctly marks the directory as deleted.


Plastic macOS Mojave: The branch explorer didn't render correctly (the canvas didn't get redrawn) when moving it with the scroll bars. It was ok when manipulating it directly. Now, it's fixed.

We also improved the rendering in the diffs. Sometimes the regions didn't get correctly repainted using either the scroll or the mouse wheel.


macOS: Three aesthetic issues have been fixed in the macOS GUIs:

* The mouse pointer type "IBeam" (the textbox stick) appeared when you placed the mouse over the dialog bottom buttons (ok-cancel). Fixed.

* The dialog bottom buttons were overlaying other components in few dialogs. Fixed.

* You could also noticed about the "huge" size of some buttons in a few dialogs (Create workspace dialog, Apply attribute dialog,...). Now it's also fixed.


macOS: Plastic BranchExplorer's details view and Gluon details view, were not correctly shown/hidden. Now it's fixed.


Since the release, you cannot checkin a file that is opened by some external tools like Microsoft Visio. You had to close the external tool to perform the checkin operation. Now you can perform the checkin operation without closing the external tool.


Gluon for macOS: If you typed something in the Search Files dialog text field and quickly hit the Enter key, you got an error message complaining about some component being used after its disposal. It's fixed now!


Gluon for macOS: You won't be able to dismiss the Search Files dialog anymore if you started an operation inside it (checkout, undo checkout, update). If you did so before, these operations remained in the background and tried to manipulate visual components that weren't there anymore. We changed that behavior to make the visual feedback more consistent.


Gluon for macOS: Changesets view: The "Advanced" button didn't expand the additional area where the user can customize the query. Now it's fixed.


Gluon for macOS: Gluon displayed an unexpected error when trying to calculate the preview for some files types, for example .eps files. Now it's fixed.


macOS: The Sync view didn't update the list of available sync views when a new sync view was created from the Cloud view context menu. Fixed.


Gluon for Windows: Fixed an exception when setting the move detection similarity percentage to its minimum value in the pending changes options dialog. Also, the similarity percentage label was not updated when the form was loaded. Now it's fixed.


Gluon for macOS: The preview for image file types were not properly centered, and also proportions were wrong. Now it's fixed. We have changed the mechanism how we calculate image thumbnails. We use the macOS's QuickLook feature to calculate them.