Release Notes

Public Oct 05 2018


DevOps: We released version 0.11 of our plasticscm-mergebot-plugin for Jenkins! Upgrade it in your Jenkins instance!


Windows GUI: Added validation errors before closing the "Rename" dialog. This way, if you specify the same branch/label/repository/workspace/attribute name than the original, a validation error will be shown and the rename dialog will remain opened until you specify a different name.


Windows, Linux and OS X GUI: Merge-to operation: If new changesets are created while an user is running a merge-to operation in the same destination branch, Plastic will warn the user about this condition and will prompt the user to unify these heads by running a new merge-to operation.

REMARK: If multiple xlinked repositories are involved, you will need to fallback to workspace-side merge operation (switch workspace to the destination branch and run a "merge from" your source branch).


Mergetool: Fixed typos: Instead of showing "Keep base contributor & exit" in "Save" menu options, show "Keep base contributor & exit".


DevOps: We detected that Jenkins returns "ERROR: null" in pipelines if it's configured to use Pipeline script from SCM and the script path is invalid. We improved the message to show that the resulting 'cm cat' command failed.


GitServer: Aborting a git clone/fetch/pull/push command with ctrl+c could make the server crash in Linux due to an unexpected unhandled exception (related to setting the response http status code after the response headers were sent). All the GitServer threads are now protected to avoid crashing the server anymore.

The message in the console output after the server crashed was the following: "Cannot be changed after headers are sent".