Release Notes

Public Sep 13 2018


Windows Gluon: Support Ctrl+Backspace to delete the previous word in Gluon textboxes.


WebUI: The File Explorer branch/label selector now includes a date filter to fine tune the server query.


Gluon, Plastic and Mergetool for Linux (GTK): From now on, launching these applications from a terminal won't show annoying debug warning messages. stderr was redirected to /dev/null in the launching scripts located in /usr/bin:

* gtkplastic

* gtkmergetool

* gluon


filetypes.conf is now used for diffs and merges to check if a file is binary or text.

Until now, the filetypes.conf configuration file was only used by the "add operation" to set newly added files as binary or text.

From now on it will be used to determine if a file is binary or text before running diffs or merges.

Example: suppose scene.config was wrongly added as binary. You can now configure filetypes.conf to consider scene.config as text, so the right text-based diff and merge tool will be selected instead of considering the "bin type" tracked for the file in the repo.


1. This is really useful when you are working with Plastic Cloud, since changing revision types is not allowed there.

2. Our goal is to get rid of the bin/txt tracking as metadata in the repo, and rely only on filetypes.conf.


WebAdmin: The upload license funcionality did not work. Now it's fixed.


With the new localization system released few days ago, the windows GUI complained about not finding the localization file if the language of the operating system was different than English or Spanish. Now it's fixed. The English localization will be used by default until we have more translations.


Fixed the message displayed in the diff viewer when a file changed the encoding. The message was wrongly displayed as 'Encoding changed from {0} to {1}'. Now it's fixed.


Gluon Windows: Under some circumstances, the changesets view was displaying an unexpected error when loading. Now it's fixed.


Plastic Windows: The pending changes options dialog did not display a form title when it was displayed. Now it's fixed.