Release Notes

Public Aug 29 2018


WebUI: We've refurbished the Code Review view, give it a try! It now includes semantic information and displays differences as you're used to in Plastic SCM: rolling blocks of changes.


WebUI: We removed pagination from the File Explorer. We consider that it's generally more useful to have the complete list of files without pagination.


Linux (GTK) and macOS GUIs: Improved the performance of the checkin operation from the GUI for big checkins involving a lot of items. Some users reported troubles with checkins of more than half a million items. For such big operations, the GUI was having trouble calculating the items to include in the checkin operation, and their dependencies. Now, the checkin operation should start almost immediately after clicking the "Checkin" button. The time it took for the GUI to do the necessary operations grew up exponentially depending on the number of items on the Pending Changes view, so it is hard for us to give an accurate speedup. Our tests (using a workspace of ~900K items) concluded that the fix would reduce the time before the checkin actually starts from several hours (up to two and a half!) to a mere four seconds.


Plastic for Linux: Diffs are editable in the pending changes view. You can edit the right textbox, and then save (Ctrl+S) or discard the changes.

We also added two button bars that allows to delete/restore differences between left and right contributors.

Diff are also editable in the diff window, but only when you're displaying the same file version on the right textbox that you're loading in your workspace.


WebUI: History is available! You'll now find a "History" button next to the "Download" one when you browse the File explorer and click any file to display its contents. You'll see a table with all revisions of that file, and you'll be able to diff any given revision with the previous one in the server! Isn't that nice?


CLI: We fixed a stack overflow error that caused the 'ls' command to crash when the workspace contained symlinks with either direct (a -> a) or indirect (a -> b -> a) recursion.