Release Notes

Public Aug 16 2018


WebUI: The main branch of a repository, used in the File Explorer, will be requested to the server instead of just assuming that it's '/main'.


WebUI: Navigating directly to a repository URI (/webui/repos/:repoName) will now open the file explorer set to the main branch of that repository.


WebUI: Xlinks are now resolved and users can navigate inside them in the file explorer.


WebUI: Binary files can now have their metadata displayed on diff and content controls!


JIRA Extension: now you can filter the issues the JIRA extension retrieves by their type. This is useful, for example, if you only want to see in Plastic SCM "Bug" or "Task" issues, filtering out the rest.

To configure it on Windows, you can enter a comma-sepparated list of issue types under "Preferences > Issue trackers > Atlassian JIRA > Issue types".

If you are using GNU/Linux or macOS, you can copy and edit as you need the following line, and paste it in you jira.conf file (usually under $HOME/.plastic4/issuetrackers/host_port/allrepos):

Name=Issue types;Value=Bug,Task;Type=Text;IsGlobal=False


WebUI: Say a big Hello to semantic capabilities in our diff view! We added a toggle button to switch back and forth between the Semantic Diff Mode and the Text Diff mode. Give it a spin!


WebUI: We added a new icon to identify Xlinks in the File explorer.


Windows GUI: Enhanced the performance of the repositories list. Until now, the GUI was trying to solve the name of the owner of each repository, which is useless, as it does not appear on the list. This could cause performance issues in some scenarios, such as with a slow LDAP server.


Server: UserInfoLoader. We catched a wild "An item with the same key has already been added" that could happen when a user is reloaded concurrently from the LDAP/AD. Should be fixed now.


WebUI: We fixed the horizontal scroll of side-by-side diff editors! They should now move appropriately now when you reveal the contents of really long lines.


WebAdmin: The User/Password authentication page was unable to redirect to the Edit User page if the targeted user name had any uppercase characters. Fixed.


WebAdmin: The confirmation dialog prompted to confirm the deletion of an user or group was always returning OK, even if the user clicked cancel. Fixed.


Server: Due to a trigger cache issue on a really uncommon scenario, the calls that use triggers (e.g. the push operation) could start failing with the error 'Explicit transaction expected, but found no transaction.' and continue failing until the server is restarted. Now it's fixed.


WebUI: Text files using encodings different from UTF-8 weren't properly rendered on the Diff/Content views. Fixed.


All GUIs: The "Similarity percentage" setting on the new Pending Changes options dialog was displayed wrongly. If you wanted to match moved files with at least a 90% of similarity, what was really happening is that the files were being matched with at most a 90% of differences, which is the opposite concept. Now it is fixed.


Windows GUIs (Plastic SCM and Gluon): The "Advanced Move Detection" tab on the new Pending Changes options dialog was removed because we found some issues with the precise tracking using the NTFS journal. We are working on bringing you this feature back as soon as possible.