Release Notes

Public Jul 11 2018


Gluon for Windows: The app no longer closes when it detects that the configured server requires a higher client version. You'll just be prompted with a warning message but you'll be able to navigate through the GUI when you dismiss it.


Windows: fixed an issue in workspaces shared by different developers on a shared computer.

Short explanation: to update files inside .plastic we first wrote them to the user's tmp dir, then moved. It caused ACL issues under certain conditions.

Long story:

John did a checkin in c:\workspaces\gamedemo. Then logged out.

Now Mike tries to update and gets a weird "can't access plastic.wktree" error.

Why? Because the shared path c:\workspaces\gamedemo directory has been configured to have read/write access to the entire "devel"

We changed the way in which we write workspace metadata files inside the .plastic directory.