Release Notes

Public Jun 19 2018


File locking and LDAP/Active Directory: now we show the name of the user holding the log instead of the SID.

Historically, we displayed the SID, which was not very useful... Yes, shame on us hackers :'(


OS X: Now built-in semantic diffs fallback to text if files can't be parsed.

It also displays the error error message so you know what to do.

It happened often when semantic diff tried to parse Java files but the Java VM was not installed.


'cm crypt' can now handle * chars. Before it was trying to expand wildcards on the arguments, preventing it from correctly encrypting text with '*' symbols. Fixed.


Very weird null fixed in replica when the maximum number of licensed users was exceeded.

It was almost impossible to reproduce but we saw a "null object reference" when trying to replicate a branch and the maximum number of licensed users was exceeded. The null showed up instead of the real license issue. Now it's fixed.


OS X GUI: Pending Changes crashed when it was about to show the diffs for a file and the diff was undone (changes undone outside Plastic).

It happened because any unhandled exception makes the OS X UI crash. We reviewed all pending failure points.


OS X: Upgraded to newest Xamarin.

Two customers reported a crash doing a checkin in a laptop running out of memory.

We were finally able to reproduce it and found that a newer Xamarin reduced the chances of crashing.

The problem is not entirely fixed, we are working with Microsoft to solve what seems to be a Mono garbage collector crash.


Fixed a null in checkin related to Xlinks and security.

Here goes the full explanation, which is not trivial:

* You need a workspace to a repo that has an Xlink.

* You don't have checkin permission on the Xlinked repo (permission not granted, which doesn't mean it is denied).

* You merge from a branch with changes on the Xlinked repo (someone else made the changes, since you don't have permission).

* Now you try to merge and the null happens (object reference not set...)

Now it is fixed.


OS X GUI: update forced didn't clean up the dialog correctly.

* Plastic shows a dialog if an update finds issues.

* The dialog shows 2 options: "retry update" and "update forced".

* If you select all the issues and click "update forced" the "Issues" view wasn't cleaned.

Now it works fine :)