Release Notes

Public Nov 27 2017


Gluon for OS X is here!

This is the first preview of the upcoming Plastic SCM 7.0 version, and the greatest thing we are showing is Gluon for OS X. The artist-centric UI we created to simplify workflows in game dev teams goes beyond the Windows land.

Gluon for OS X also features a redesigned overall style if you compare it to Plastic on OS X, and some of the key ideas will be soon applied to the rest of Mac UIs.

Gluon for OS X enables a work cycle that differs from the regular Plastic one, based on the following concepts: no branching, sparse checkouts, per-file like versioning (no need to sync the entire working copy before checking in a file).

Gluon is the perfect tool not only for artists in game development, but also for team members working on documents, binary assets and any other typically unmergeable content.

Together with Gluon we are also introducing image diff for OS X, capable of comparing images in many different formats.

This is the first outcome of the Gluon cross-platform effort, and the Linux version will follow shortly.


CLI: improved the way the "cm showacls" command formats the ACLs table. Now, it is easier to read and understand.


Mac GUI: The following UI improvements were added to the Branch Explorer view:

* When using the right button, now the object clicked is selected before displaying the context menu. This way you can use the right button to select and show the context menu for an object with a single click (previously you need to left click to select the object, and then use the right button to show the context menu).

* When searching for a branch, now we focus the ending part of the branch bounds. Normally the user wants to pay attention to the end of the branch, instead of the beggining.

* Aesthetic change: Removed the progress spinner in the middle of the view that appeared after selecting an object.


GTK/Mac: The workspace explorer search field is not case-sensitive anymore.


Gtk GUI: Fixed a drawing issue in cross-branch parent links. Sometimes, when the parent changeset was very far in the x-axis the parent changeset link was wrongly drawn due to a Cairo issue. Workaround the issue using a clippign algorithm to draw only the screen-visible portion of the for parent links.


Gtk GUI: Fixed a search problem in the branch explorer. Sometimes, after refreshing the branch explorer, after clicking the search button the object was not focused in the visible clip. Now it's fixed.


The external image diff viewer focused the "onion skin" button, when the default view mode is "side by side". Now is fixed.


Gluon in Windows was trying to connect to do check connection in the main thread incorrectly (configuration dialog).


Scan network: fixed a null reference error that might be thrown while searching for Plastic SCM servers when the client machine was having unreachable networks configured.