Release Notes

Public Sep 28 2017


Plastic will now consider the external tool exit code when performing file merges. This means that a merge tool that creates the output file and then crashes will be considered as a failed merge, whereas before just creating the output file was considered as a success.


Mac OS GUI: Mac OS X High Sierra (10.13) is now fully supported!


WebUI: The WebUI was unable to work against a Plastic SCM server configured in LDAPWorkingMode or UPWorkingMode due to a bug in the network layer that was overriding the user credentials introduced at login with the ones loaded from the WebUI client.conf file, which, in this case, does not have any. Fixed.


Resource dictionaries were not loaded properly in the windows GUI.


Triggers: changeset information in before-chattvalue and after-chattvalue was blank. Fixed.


Sometimes an unexpected error occurred when switching from list mode to tree mode in the pending changes view (working with changeslists). Now it's fixed.


Fixed the image alignment of the diff maximize/restore buttons.


Using the plastic protocol and the SSL channel, the server memory is unexpectedly growing. The problem was a memory leak on the plastic protocol detection. Now it is fixed.