Release Notes

Public Jul 17 2017


New administration command: cm admin readonly.

This command allows switching the server between normal mode and read-only mode.

When the server is in read-only mode only read operations are allowed, so no data will be changed. This is useful using Jet backend because it allows backup operations to be performed without stopping the server.

The cm admin readonly command allows to:

* Enter in read-only mode using 'cm admin readonly enter'. Once it's executed no more write operation will be allowed. The command will wait for all currently running write operations to end before it finishes.

* Leave read-only mode using 'cm admin readonly leave". This action brings the server back to normal mode (i.e. write operations are allowed again).

* Retrieve the read-only mode status using 'cm admin readonly status'.

This command can only be executed by the server administrator.


Mergetool: The 'Split conflict blocks' option was not working when a single line is added next to a single modified line. Fixed.

It was requested in the following UserVoice improve merge algorithm for additional lines