Release Notes

Internal Apr 23 2014


Command line client: from now on, the return code of 'cm find' won't be an error code if the object specified in the condition is not found in the repository. An empty list will be returned instead.


Command line client: Added 'srcrepname' field to the 'cm find attribute'. Also, 'srcrepname' and 'dstrepname' have been added to the 'cm find link' fields.


 cm find attribute where srcobj='br:/main' --format="{value} rep:{srcrepname}"


Command line client: from now on, the 'cm status --changelists --xml' command shows the changelist name in the xml output.


Transformable workspaces: now, both the update operation with pending changes in the workspace, and the fast-update operation performs a check before updating: they will consider the defined transformer rules in the workspace and check whether they are compatible with the incoming changes the update operation would apply.

If the check fails, the operations will fallback as follows:

* In case of a fast-update operation, a standard update will be run.

* In case of update with pending changes operation, a merge operation

will be run.


Command line client: the 'cm changelist' command didn't support multiline description. Fixed.