Release Notes

Public Jan 23 2017


The server can now force a given minimum client build number, so that sysadmins can better handle upgrades and make sure their users are updated to at least a given build number.

The 'server.conf' flag can now be configured not only with "true" and "false" but also with a given build number as follows:


Remark: this check forces both clients and other servers connecting to this one, to be at least upgraded to a given build number.


Plastic Tube Windows GUI improvements.

Implemented a number of improvements in the Tube GUI:

* When editing the access to a repo you are sharing with someone, the button to apply changes now says "Apply" instead of "Edit" which was confusing.

* Each time you share a repo with a new user, or remove a user, or edit his access, the selection of the repo is kept.

* If a server is not reachable, the process continues. Before it failed, which made it hard to use.

* Much better progress for remote servers: now the GUI shows which remote server (tube) and repo is accessing, instead of just being silent as before.

* Now it is easy to see if a remote user is connected or not. Connected users are displayed first and a different icon is used.


Mac OS server: opening the server application bundle (by double-clicking on its icon or otherwise) will now open a descriptive website detailing the available administration/configuration actions on Mac.


Windows GUI: Diff window: The branch name was overlapping the branch GUID when the name was too long. Fixed.


ImageDiff: The "differences" button was not correctly enabled sometimes when showing image differences in the pending changes view or the diff view. Fixed.


Linux (GTK) Mergetool: Sometimes the application got stuck when exiting. Fixed.


Windows GUI: Version tree 2D was showing a null reference error when clicking on a branch and the differences panel was visible. Fixed.


Windows GUI: Fixed an error when launching annotations from the diff viewer.