Release Notes

Public Sep 22 2016


Mac OS GUI: Added support for Mac OS X Sierra.

Remarks: Some aesthetical UI glitches are still pending to be addressed.


Issue trackers: Polarion: Added support for distributed scenarios (linked revisions will use changeset GUID instead of changeset ID (integer number)).

However, changeset info (such as changeset comment) and its WebUI visualization URI won't be available until the changeset is replicated to the configured Plastic SCM server in Polarion.


* This update is backwards compatible, so all the linked revisions already added to Polarion using the changeset id will still be browsable.

* The following components should be updated at the same time: Polarion's Plastic SCM extension (the one installed on your Polarion server), and Plastic SCM's WebUI (if you use it alongside Polarion).


Linux (GTK) GUI: Now, the collapsed nodes of the 'workspace explorer' tree are not re-opened between refresh operations if a child node is expanded. The behavior of the items tree is now exactly the same as in the Plastic GUI for Windows and Mac. When a node is collapsed, all its expanded children are collapsed too.


Linux (GTK) Mergetool and Mac OS Mergetool: Now the Mergetool remembers window size between application restarts, correctly saving and restoring the diff window and the merge window position and size.


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: Implemented 'Go to source changeset' and 'Go to destination changeset' menu options on Branch Explorer merge links.


Command line configuration tools: Some enhancements in clconfigureclient and clconfigureserverutilities have been made:

* clconfigureserver: Now it is possible to configure the database backend from this tool.

* clconfigureclient: Now it auto-detects the server's user authentication mode to automatically ask for the correct credentials. Also, it allows to specify server's SSL port and Plastic SCM proxy server location.


WebUI: In order to keep compatibility with Polarion's issue tracker extension last update, changeset contents can now be browsed using both a changeset ID or changeset GUID in the URI.


Gluon: Fixed a navigation problem in the 'Explore workspace' view. When the layout is set to 'list mode' (Right click on the 'Explore workspace' panel > 'View as list'), after double clicking a directory on the right side list, the directory item was not correctly selected. Fixed.


Mac OS GUI: several aesthetic fixes:

* The 'differences' navigation control is now automatically resized to prevent its text from cutting out the navigation buttons.

* The 'History' view now has a progress indicator while downloading two revisions of a file to perform a diff operation.


Linux (GTK) GUI: The 'History' view now has a progress indicator while downloading two revisions of a file to perform a diff operation.


Mac OS Mergetool: Now, if there are pending unsaved changes, the application will ask the user whether save changes or not before closing.