Release Notes

Public May 16 2016


Server: Introduced a new configuration setting in server.conf to be able to finely tune the different buffer pools used by the server.

The new setting has the following format:


It is helpful on multi-core servers under heavy load to reduce contention and make better use of the underlying CPU power. This way you can avoid cores to lock waiting on an available buffer, at the expense of consuming more memory.

Buffer pools are used to avoid unwanted memory allocations to manage data to be serialized and sent to the client. Continuously allocating and freeing memory is bad in terms of performance and overall memory usage.

If your server is under heavy load (teams with hundreds of developers) and you think you can benefit from this setting, please contact us first so we can help you optimize the server. The goal is to create a comprehensive server tuning guide, but it is not yet there at this point.


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: Now it is possible to cancel a 'process all merges' ongoing operation.


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: When 'macplastic' or 'gtkplastic' applications were launched with the '--configure' option and the client configuration file didn't exist, a warning message appeared instead of opening the configuration window. Fixed.


Update operation: Now, the 'fast-update' feature is able to load an added xlink under an added directory.


Server: Fixed an issue that was able to crash a server when dealing with socket disconnections. It was very unlikely to happen (only seen it twice in a Linux server, never in all other installations). The address of the client was tried to be retrieved when the socket was no longer connected, raising an unhandled exception. Fixed now.