Release Notes

Public Apr 01 2016


Gluon: directory sizes are now displayed on 'Workspace explorer' view. A new option has been added to the workspace explorer view menu which allows to include / exclude private items when calculating directory sizes.

Remarks: If private items are excluded, the size of the private files will still appear in the workspace explorer view. However, the private directory sizes will not be calculated and all private items will be discarded when calculating non-private directory sizes.


Server - User Authentication: From now on, servers configured to use Active Directory or LDAP authentication will show more descriptive errors if a user cannot be translated during a push/pull operation due to unexpected Active Directory or LDAP server errors.


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: Several usability improvements regarding item selection in views have been made:

* The 'Pending changes' view now keeps the previous row selection after refreshing the view.

* 'Repositories', 'Workspaces', 'Branches', 'Labels', 'Pending changes', 'Shelves' views now keep the selection after delete/undo operations.


Linux (GTK) GUI and Mac OS GUI: Deleting a file/directory from the command line while Plastic SCM client GUI application is running were causing certain view drawing errors. Fixed.