Release Notes

Public Oct 07 2015


Mergetool for Windows: New version of mergetool.exe including a greatly improved text editor.

Xmerge (a.k.a. mergetool.exe) now includes a text editor with tons of improvements such as better syntax highlight and more languages supported, options to show tabs and spaces and column guidelines.

Editor also supports Undo and code completion!


JIRA issue tracker extension: The JIRA Extension now supports the JIRA REST API. Checkout the following URL to get info about configuring the JIRA Extension:



JIRA issue tracker extension: Changeset Guid is now available in the 'checkin log' of JIRA extension. The Guid is written in the Plastic SCM custom field.

Find below an example of the logged data:

Date: 9/10/2015 12:25:25 PM
Changeset 4424@default@localhost:8084 by dhernandez
Changeset guid: 5372daf7-f740-4d05-b9d2-a30823907bb2
Branch: /main/scm029
Comments: Rename csproj files

  Changeset 4424@default
  M /client2008.csproj -> /client2010.csproj 
  M /server2008.csproj.-> /server2010.csproj


Mac OS installer: macplastic installer is now compatible with Mac OS 'El Capitan'.


Command Line Interface: The cm application bundled with macplastic installer didn't have the required libraries to run cm sync command properly. Fixed.


User/Password management tool GUI: The lists of users, groups and group members are now alphabetically sorted. The groups are shown before the users.


Windows GUI: 'Permissions' dialogs: The list of users and groups, and the list of permissions are now alphabetically sorted.


Windows GUI: 'Permissions' dialogs: Fixed an issue which prevented setting the owner of a repository when there weren't secured paths defined.


Windows GUI: 'Permissions' dialogs: Fixed an issue with the 'permissions' panel's scroll which prevented to show the last permission in the list when other permission was clicked.


Windows GUI: Several aesthetical improvements when the language is set to 'Spanish'.


Windows GUI and Visual Studio plugin: The 'Diff with previous' menu option didn't warn about possible unsaved changes on the right revision. Fixed.


Mergetool: The result file could miss a 'new line' character when there was a non-automatic conflict affecting to the last line of the contributor files and the last line of these contributor wasn't an empty line. Fixed.


Linux GUI (GTK): The pending changes's diff viewer was displaying an error message when showing the contents of an ignored file. Fixed.