Release Notes

Public Oct 13 2014


GameUI: The checkin operation will be retried if a new changeset has been created in the target branch during the data uploading phase.

The checkin operation is retried up to three times (although the checkin data is uploaded once) before rejecting the operation.


GUI: Implemented 'tree' view mode (items grouped by path) for Pending changes view and Diff branch/changeset views.

Items can be shown grouped by paths. To enable this new view mode, right click in the list of items and select the context menu option: 'view items' > 'as list/as tree'.


GUI: Recent comments: New features for long, multiline comments. If the comment is very long, the ellipsis is performed in the middle of the text, so that users are able to check the beginning and the end of the comment.

Additionally, a tooltip is shown when hovering over a recent comment, showing the full text.


GameUI: Fixed error messages in history and preview panels that where shown under race conditions while loading the history or the preview of certain items.

Also, if the server was down, the history of an item was loading forever. Fixed.


Web UI: The 'Changesets' charts were not being loaded due to a collision between the URL for of changeset charts (i.e.: http://server:port/repository/Charts/Changesets) and the URL for the changesets of a submodule view (i.e.: http://server:port/repository/module/Changesets).



Fixed duplicated items in the differences of a branch where other branches are merged into this one. An item appeared as many times as merges where the item was modified.