Release Notes

Internal Sep 17 2014


The pending changes view performance has been improved on Windows. Previously when the disk changes are selected by the user to be show, each time that the pending changes view is refreshed, the full workspace content must be checked on disk. Now, the workspace content is checked only the first time. The following times only the directories where the disk content has been changed will be checked. As a result, the pending changes are obtained much faster.

See the results:

- Using a workspace with 312.722 files and 44.077 folders, 100 files distributed on 10 folders are modified, and then, we look for the pending changes again. Also, we ensure that the workspace content is not cached by the file system, so it must be read from disk. To ensure it, we clean the file system cache.

- We check the described scenario on the release and the pending changes are obtained on 137481 ms. We also check the described scenario with the new functionality and the pending changes are obtained on 4011 ms. With the new functionality the pending changes are obtained 34 times faster than before.

There is a new setting in client.conf to disable the feature if needed: Set WatcherEnabled to "no" to disable it.