Release Notes

Public Aug 01 2014


The lock (exclusive checkout) behavior has been modified. Now the lock requires the file to be checked out to be the latest on the branch (no need to set the 'require head' param). It doesn't force to be up-to-date with the head changeset as a whole but to make sure the files to be locked are head, so it prevents concurrent changes to happen.

This new behavior has been developed for the new GameUI (game artist oriented Plastic SCM and GUI) but it applies system wide.


First GameUI beta with complete working cycle support.


Web UI: Implemented submodules support. The module name is specified in the URL after the repository name. The following URLs are valid:

* http://server/repname/Items

* http://server/repname/modulename/Items


The changes on a Xlink were not expanded and traversed during a merge operation when the Xlink is involved on a conflict. Fixed.

Now the Xlink changes are expanded. Fixed also several "null reference" error messages on not so common scenarios involvong Xlink conflicts resolution, such as cherry picks from already merged changes, and path reuse scenarios (delete and add a Xlink with the same name pointing to a different repository).


Merge: Fixed a failing scenario where moved items were duplicated on the original path. The failing scneario is the following:

* Create the following structure on a branch (branch: 'A'):

    /game (xlink)

* Create another branch 'B' and switch to it. Then, add the following item:


* Switch to branch 'A' and perform the following changes:

    add /game/code
    mv /game/src/* /game/code
    rm /game/src

* Merge from branch 'B'. A 'change-delete conflict will show up. Choose 'keep source' -> Items duplicated in /game/src and /game/code.

Now this scenario is fixed, and the merge won't generate duplicated items.


GUI: Aesthetic and typographical issues have been fixed.