Release Notes

Public Jul 14 2014


Server aliases allow reaching the same server by different IPs and protocols. The new serveralias.conf file enables this feature on the client.

Example: suppose you connect to from the office, but when you go home you connect through the public SSL-protected IP: ssl:// Using the server aliases the Plastic client will be able to switch from one server URL to the other transparently.

The content of the serveralias.conf will be:

Please note it can jump not only to a different URL but also a different protocol (in this case from regular TCP to SSL).


Fixed the checkin operation error "The Item X could not be found in the tree. The new tree cannot be built". It occurred under the following circumstances:

*UserA and UserB work on the same branch loading the same changeset.

*UserA deletes 'file1'

*UserB deletes 'file1' and changes 'file2'.

*UserA commits the 'file1' deletion.

*UserB commits the 'file2' change. The 'file1' deletion is still pending to commit.

*UserA changes 'file3' and commits the change.

*UserB tries to commit the 'file1' deletion (or a new change), but the checkin operation fails with the previous error.


GUI: The Ctrl+V shortcut key did not work in the items view.