Release Notes

Public Aug 15 2014


Extensions: A new extension supporting CodeBeamer interoperability has been added. This allows the branch explorer and the changesets or branches views to display issue tracking information from CodeBeamer.

Setup: Include these lines inside your 'client.conf' file:

        <Extension AssemblyFile="[PATH_TO_PLASTIC]\client\extensions\codebeamer\codebeamerextension.dll" />

Also, you should create a file in the same directory as the 'client.conf' file, called 'codebeamerextension.conf' to configure the extension. You can use this as a template:

        <WorkingMode>TaskOnBranch</WorkingMode> <!-- TaskOnChangeset is also available -->


Command line client: Annotate command: Now it is possible to annotate a specific revision from the command line, using its full specification.


    * cm ann AclCmd.cs#cs:12548@libs@saturn:8087
    * cm ann AclCmd.cs#cs:12548


Jenkins plugin: The jenkins plugin did not reuse Plastic SCM workspaces correctly when the 'Use update' preference was set. Fixed.