Release Notes

Public Mar 27 2014


Jira extension: The data logged in the Plastic SCM custom field can now be configured. Also, it is possible to open changeset diffs from JIRA.

Please visit the following link to get more info:



GUI: Column filters are now available on all views. An improved filter mechanism lets you specify the column you want to use to filter.

You can still use the old filters to search on all columns, but you can also restrict the search to a given column as follows:


Examples of valid filters are:

* On changesets view:

    "created by":mike comment:"first changeset"

* On pending changes view:

    status:changed item:bin/lib type:txt


Merge: Fixed an edge case on a recursive merge (the merge operation calculates more than one ancestor changeset):

* When one ancestor has removed an xlink and added a new one on the same path, and another ancestor involved on the intermediate merge hasn't changed the xlink (the removed one), the merge was failing with the error: "Can't add an entry with the same name. Duplicated child [<item name>]".