Release Notes

Public Apr 25 2014


Server: The changeset tree loading has been improved on MySql backend for big trees. Now, a temporary table with the involved revisiond is created when loading a tree.

This table will be created in the hard disk by default. To override this setting and create the temporary table in memory, the following parameter in the server's db.conf file can be set:


The 'LOAD DATA LOCAL' setting in MySql backend must be enabled. (This setting is already enabled by default).

More info on:

Test performed:

Repository with 11 million revisions. Changeset tree loading measurement, with 418950 files and 27914 folders. Time to read all the changeset tree revisions (about 440.000 revisions):

- Before this release (release

* Read 440.000 revisions from the 'revisions' table (which contains 11 million revisions) -> 11404 ms.

- Whith this release (release

* Read 440.000 revisions from disk temp table -> 9688 ms.

* Read 440.000 revisions from memory temp table -> 6084 ms.


The plasticlogstats server diagnostics app has been modified. It now supports grouping by hour (--hour) and output data in XML format to a file (--xml=outputfile.xml), which is useful for Excel data analysis. Now the flags are set with '--'.