Release Notes

Public Jan 25 2024


All Platforms - Desktop GUI: Enhanced Undo performance by 25%

Previously, undoing a large number of files (15k) in the GUI took longer compared to the cm undo command.

The GUI was sluggish because it sent all paths directly to the operation, triggering a platform path resolution for each. This process expanded and made paths canonical while resolving symlinks. On the other hand, the CLI combined and calculated paths after executing an unco operation. Since the GUI always uses pre-resolved platform paths, the path resolution step becomes unnecessary and can be skipped.

Following these adjustments, the undo operation is now 25% faster.

Before the change: 48 seconds for 10,000 paths on the Windows platform.

After the change: 36 seconds.


All platforms - Desktop GUI: Enhancements for clearer Diff Viewer comparisons

We've addressed an issue in this release to ensure a more straightforward experience during comparisons. Here's what you need to know:

Problem Before:

Before this update, selecting 'Ignore Whitespaces' or 'Ignore EOLs' would retain the 'SkipFormatChange' setting. If 'SkipFormatChange' was set to "true," no format differences were displayed. This caused confusion as users expected differences when choosing these options.


We've modified the behavior to align 'Skip Format Changes' with 'Ignore EOLs and Whitespaces' in the x-merge.

Updated Usage:

* 'Recognize All': Disables 'Skip Format Changes'

* 'Ignore EOLs and Whitespaces': Enables 'Skip Format Changes'

* 'Ignore Whitespaces': Disables 'Skip Format Changes'

* 'Ignore EOLs': Disables 'Skip Format Changes'

This adjustment ensures a more intuitive experience during comparisons.


All platforms - Desktop GUI, Gluon: Tree mode in Pending Changes view

We added a new option in the Pending Changes view to visualize your changes as a directory tree instead of as a list.

This lets you see the changes organized by the directory structure and select all the changes under a directory with a single click.

You can choose the way to visualize the changes in the Options dialog, under the "What to show" tab:


All platforms - Desktop GUI, Gluon: Added 2 spaces tab option

We added a new option in the Code Editor preferences that allows you to visualize tabs as 2 spaces


All-Platforms - Command-line client: Unexpected standard output for machinereadable

When performing a checkin with update and machinereadable options enabled, there were some unexpected lines in the standard output which have been removed. Now every message displayed is properly formatted as expected.

For example:

On a workspace with the selector behind the head of the branch, (checkin would need to have option --update to succeed), perform some changes in any item and then run the following:

cm ci -m=message --startlineseparator=">>>" --endlineseparator="<<<" --fieldseparator="||" --machinereadable --update my-item.txt

Before you would get the following:

Processing directory conflicts
Processing directory operations
Processing directory operations (downloading revisions)
Processing directory operations (updating workspace)
Processing directory operations (applying filesystem protections)
>>>STAGE||Validating checkin data<<<
>>>STAGE||Uploading file data<<<
>>>STAGE||Confirming checkin operation<<<
>>>CHANGESET||cs:999@br:/main@default@localhost:8084 (mount:'/')<<<

Expected result

Now all output messages follow the machine readable output specs with no standard output pollution.

>>>STAGE||Validating checkin data<<<
>>>STAGE||Uploading file data<<<
>>>STAGE||Confirming checkin operation<<<
>>>CHANGESET||cs:999@br:/main@default@localhost:8084 (mount:'/')<<<