Release Notes

Public Feb 16 2023


All platforms - Plastic: Added Visual Diff button to Semantic Merge

The "visual diff" button has been added to allow viewing the differences in a "visual" way, it's accessible via the outline panels on semantic merge.


All platforms - Plastic: SemanticMerge parsing error dialog

Added a new functionality to display any parsing error that semantic merge has detected.


P4/Git importers: From now on, running import operations is restricted to users with the change owner permission

The Plastic import operation sets the original P4/Git objects author to keep the repository history intact.

Creating branches, labels, revisions... as a different user is something the importer, under an account with change owner permission, should do to reduce the risk of impersonating objects.

If you have a periodic sync operation ongoing, please make sure that the user running the "cm" command has the change owner permission enabled for the repository


All platforms - Plastic: Added Restart Merge and Run Text Merge buttons to Semantic Merge

A new set to buttons is now available on semantic merge, "Restart Merge", and "Run Text Merge".


Server: More resilient check-in to out-of-date workspace due to cloaked

Now the check-in operation returns a meaningful error when you try to check in an out-of-date item that is no longer loaded on the server:

The item '/l_memory.h' is not loaded on the changeset you are working on (cs:5).
Most likely, you updated the workspace with the item cloaked, so it wasn't unloaded.
Please retry the check-in operation excluding this item, then update the entire workspace to fix any inconsistency.

This problem can happen when you remove the cloaked rules for an item, this item remains out of date, and you modify it. See an example:

* James - Cloak '/code' directory

* Mary - Delete '/code' & check in the change

* James - Update his workspace

* James - Uncloak the '/code' directory

* James - Move '/code/botlib/l_memory.h' to '/l_memory.h'

* James - Delete '/code'

* James - The check-in will fail with the error above because '/l_memory.h' no longer exists on the repository.


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: Added conflict resolution text label in Semantic Merge

We have added a new text label in Semantic Merge. This label will inform the users of resolved conflict status


All platforms - Plastic: New "Show pending to integrate" option for branch diffs

We added a new option in the diff window for branches, that lets you see the branch changes pending to integrate into its parent branch. This is the same as using the recently added --integration option in the cm diff command.


All Platforms - Plastic: Fixed wrong color of Semantic Merge on dark themes

When launching Semantic Merge via command line and using a dark theme, the color combination of a highlighted section that contains a code comment would make the section unreadable, this has now been fixed.


All Platforms - GitServer: Failure running 'git pull' using HTTP protocol.

After certain repository size, the 'git pull' operations could fail with the 'fatal: protocol error: bad pack header' error. This happened only when using the http:// protocol.

The Plastic GitServer was implemented long time ago and it doesn't support the multi_ack_detailed & no-done capabilities that most Git clients do. So, we rely in the original protocol without these extra capabilities leading to some weird behavior in some cases. This will be improved in the future.

With the fix done, the 'git pull' operation will download the Git package (and it will not fail anymore like it did), but, sometimes, it will not update the local references. Thus, an extra 'git pull' command execution could be needed to upload the repository references (that will download nothing).

git pull
remote: Exporting changeset cs: ... (1/118)
Receiving objects: 100% (354/354), 79.23 KiB | 3.30 MiB/s, done.

git pull
From http://server/repo
   47a2ee4..ffe577f  master     -> origin/master
   0cce4d8..3184425  task       -> origin/task
Updating 47a2ee4..ffe577f
 foo.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)


All Platforms - GitServer: HTTP server thread crashed with unexpected error.

The thread used to serve the GitServer HTTP requests could crash if there was any unexpected exception when closing the client HTTP connections. Now this error is fixed.