Release Notes

Public Sep 29 2021


All platforms - Web UI: Code reviews improvements

- Added changesets select box to the changed files panel for easier changeset selection.

- Removed the whole branch switch from the changesets panel since it was redundant.

- Added badges for comments and conversations to easily spot how many are present.


All Platforms - GitSync: Added LFS support for GitLab & Bitbucket when pushing changes over SSH.

LFS was previously supported for GitLab & Bitbucket over https. However, the push operation (pushing changes from Plastic to Git) failed over SSH. Fixed.


All platforms - Web UI: File history improvements:

We removed the previous branch/label filter since it doesn't work correctly with the context of the history list and implemented individual filters for branches and types instead. We also added a button to go back to the file and individual download buttons for each entry in the history.


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: Dockerfiles considered as txt files

Before this change, we were considering Dockerfiles as binary files by default, and users had to manually add the following line in filetypes.conf to consider them as text files:


Now they are considered as text by default