Release Notes

Public Sep 16 2021


All platforms - Web UI: Code review conversations

- Added a new feature for users to create code review conversations, they are different from comments since they are not tied to a specific file change and their purpose is to shed light into the purpose of the whole code review.


Cloud - Web UI: Fixed CORS issue when loading static assets like images or files


All platforms - Web UI: fixed an error when viewing binary metadata


All platforms - Web UI: Fixed an instance where an error wasn't displayed correctly if the file was too large


All platforms - Web UI: Fixed error when loading text files that are not encoded in UTF8


All platforms - Web UI: Various fixes & improvements:

- Added missing support for multiple reviewers to the code review list;

- Updated code review navigation icons to match the overall icons styling;

- Replaced branch icon;

- Creating a code review now appends the branch or changeset comment to the title, to match the same behavior as the desktop client.