Release Notes

Public May 20 2021


All platforms - Command line client: encoding set to UFT-8

We now automatically set the console input and output encoding to UTF-8 so that East Asian languages can be displayed correctly. Note: you must select a font containing glyphs for your language for the output to display correctly.


All platforms - Server: The max number of worker threads is now limited to MaxWorkerThreads * 10.

This value can be defined in the server.conf file.


The default value used is the number of processors * 4 (when the value is not defined in the server.conf).


All platforms - Web UI: File explorer UI refresh

Refreshed the UI of the main File Explorer list. Individual file/history views will be refreshed in the next update.


All platforms - Web UI: File Explorer updates

On the roadmap to unify the design we updated the following in the File Explorer section:

- Updated the File View design and fixed page double scroll

- Tweaked the File History design, a full update is pending

- Set the file name as the default ordering for the File list, folders and xlinks are grouped and take priority


All platforms - Web UI: Code review list comment count fix

The comment count is now correctly displayed for each code review in the code review list.


All platforms - Gluon: Fixed Enterprise Edition onboarding when using a Cloud server.

When connecting to a Cloud server from the Enterprise Edition Gluon onboarding, there was an error that prevented the user from listing the repositories in the server. We fixed this issue, and now you can connect to any kind of server from the onboarding


All platforms - Cloud Server: Client calls could get stuck in the server side while other (and unrelated) organization was loading its users. Fixed.

The cloud servers use a lock to handle the security of each organization. The problem was that the load of the organization's users were done inside this common lock, so if the users loading for one organization was very slow, other organizations were hit by this. Now, the loading of the organization users is done outside this lock.

We suffered issues in the US East region due to this issue from 2021-May-14 to 2021-May-16 leading to tons of calls stuck due to this.