Release Notes

Public Apr 29 2021


Windows - Server: All the windows installers will now bundle a netcore-compiled plastic server!

We moved all windows installers to netcore flavor on the server side. This is a step forward on move all our products to .Net Core stack on all supported OS, for the sake of stability, security and performance.


* SQL-based backends support will end up with netcore installers. Just super-fast 'Plastic Jet' backend will be the way to go.

* The installer & binaries size of netcore server increased compared to net framework server, but we will address this soon.


All platforms - Cloud Server: Reduced the number super-slow downloads (> 10s) from cloud regions.

The cloud servers use a local cache to reuse the data downloaded from the blob storage.

The process of calculating the data to clean from this cache was very slow. So, this could hit the performance of the calls that downloaded data from the cloud servers (update, merge, diff, etc) while this calculation was completed.

This time was greatly optimized from 30 s to 0.2 s, so client calls are not hit anymore by this calculation.

It only affected to the EU West & US East regions (since they are the ones with biggest usage) around 6-8 times per day.


All platform - Server: Improve calculate merge performance

We greatly improve the time to calculate a merge that involves several deleted files on both contributors. For example, we reduce from 273s to 1.5s the time to calculate a reported merge case with over 50 thousand deleted files on both contributors.

The incoming changes also takes advantage of this improvement.


All platforms - Server: potential deadlock on git server feature fixed.

The plastic server is able to act as a git server (More info here).

It could happen that performing a [console]git push[/console] on a repo previously cloned from a plastic server acting as a git server to get stuck. Now it's fixed.


All platforms - Eclipse: Cannot create label in a cloud org repo.

The eclipse plugin is throwing an Invalid changeset spec error when creating a new label in the "Labels" view. This only happens when the server is a cloud server. Example: myrep@awesomeOrg@cloud.

Now it's fixed.


Linux - GitServer: potential deadlock on git clone using http basic auth fixed.

We detected in some distros that using git server feature with http protocol and basic auth enabled on netcore server could cause a potential deadlock issuing a git clone from a plastic repo. Now it's fixed.

Example of the command that got stuck:

git clone http://user:pass@plastic_server:5555/my_repo  /home/user/git/my_repo


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: Plastic 10 About image

To celebrate version 10 of Plastic, we updated the About dialog with a new design. Check it out:


All platforms - Web UI: Code Reviews overall performance fixes.


All platforms - Plastic, Gluon: Use the same SSO credentials for different organizations

If you use the same credentials for more than one organization, now you just need to sign in to one of them. When trying to access the other organizations, Plastic will try to reuse the already existing credentials, so you don't need to authenticate again


All platforms - Web UI: Repositories list redesign

We've just launched the redesign of repositories list.

We are still working and adding features on it, so, more to come in the following weeks.


All platforms - Gluon: Fixed UI freezing when loading previews for big images

Sometimes when selecting big images (> 10MB) in the workspace explorer or checkin changes views, calculating the preview made the GUI freeze for some seconds.

Now there is a warning before showing the preview that allows you to manually choose whether to calculate it or not. When selecting to show the preview, now the GUI doesn't freeze anymore.


All platforms - Command line client: fixed cm when language forced to English in config file

In a recent release we made it possible to force Plastic to run in English on non-English systems, by setting an arbitrary value (like "en_force") as the Language in client.conf. Unfortunately, this broke cm, because it would complain about the invalid language. We fixed this.


macOS, Linux - Plastic: Fixed issue when creating a distributed workspace

During the onboarding, when choosing to work distributed and selecting a repository from the "Browse" menu, Plastic was always showing an error: "The selected repository must be a cloud repository", even after selecting a cloud repository


All platforms - Web UI: Fixed an issue with Code Reviews where new comment line highlighting and icon were disappearing after opening the dialog to add a new comment.


All platforms - Web UI: Repositories & Code reviews fixes

- Ordering repositories is now case insensitive

- Increased repositories list limit from 10 to 20 items

- Automatically focus on a reply or new conversation text area when changing conversations or adding a new one

- Preventing file change if the current comment revision didn’t change

- Fix not setting the changeset id when creating a comment

- For single editor fix scrolling to the first comment


Windows - Installers: Fixed certificate validation issue.

We had to unpublish release since the signing certificate we use to sign the installers was suddenly revoked. The certificate has been renewed,

and installers are now properly signed with a valid certificate.